What started as a part-time gig to earn extra spending money grew into a long-term career for Pasadena Operations Manager Arthur.
Three years ago, Arthur found himself searching for part-time employment for a little extra cash. He already had one part-time job, and figured he could handle another.
An application to TWO MEN AND A TRUCK led to an interview, and soon he was hired on as a mover. Little did he know, this stepping stone was his window to a long-term career.
“The thing that attracted me most to the job was just the team environment,” Arthur said. “I’ve grown up playing sports my whole life, so when I got there and met everyone, I saw the way they treated the guys, how all the guys were team-based like family, and that was just something that really attracted me and kept me here. I quit my other job to come here because I saw the career growth and advancement that was open to movers and drivers.”
Arthur started out on the trucks as a mover, and in his own words “worked his butt off” until he got to where he is now – operations manager for the Pasadena, Cali., location.
His time as a frontline employee have served him well now that he holds a management position, and feels that one of his strongest qualities is that he’s able to relate to what his team members are going through after having done it himself.
“Just working the trucks and seeing the things movers have to go through and the time spent on the trucks kind of helped me understand them more because I’ve been through it and those tough situations,” Arthur said. “So, just be being able to go through that helps me understand the movers and drivers when they have a tough day on their hands.”
White is the perfect example of how a strong attitude and the willingness to learn and grow with TWO MEN AND A TRUCK can pay off, and he has his sights set on bigger and better things as he moves forward.
“I just want to keep growing,” Arthur said. “I think one day, I would like to be a general manager somewhere, maybe even a franchisee. I’m just working hard and trying to learn every aspect of the franchise and how to run a franchise. One of my goals is to keep moving up and advancing my career.”